author František Špaček

František Špaček


  • If someone does not know, what kind of doctor treats back, or in a local clinic has a profile Cabinet, you can first contact of the therapist.
    21 September 2018
  • Often on the street you can see someone limping while wincing at every step, apparently in pain. The most common reason for this is the fact that he had pain in the lower back and radiates with the foot.
    11 September 2018
  • The lower part of the coat of arms of the English-language sources call the pain in the lower back (low back pain). The pain often contributes to the tension in the lumbar spine, limitation of motion, and antalgic scoliosis.
    30 August 2018
  • This kind of pain are mixed not only to live, but even to walk. How is it that the pain arising in the back part, can penetrate the foot and cause lameness?
    17 August 2018