Drawing pain in the legs and lower back

This kind of pain are mixed not only to live, but even to walk. How is it that the pain arising in the back part, can penetrate the foot and cause lameness? Although the source is much bigger, we felt its impact at that distance: the back is sore, but numb, and drag his feet. As the back pain radiates to leg?


Causes radiating pain in the legs can be draft, low back pain, hernias, tumors, and stress

This is due to a reflex nervous nature of the pain, its ability to spread throughout the entire length of the nerves exiting from the spinal cord. If this nerve somewhere is irritated, there is a distant response.

One of the possible causes of foot pain can be inflammation of the sciatic nerve

In the lumbosacral plexus is the nerve fibers arising from the vertebrae l4, L5 and S1 — S3. This plexus is called the sciatic nerve. From the comfort of your piriformis, it literally splits at the thigh and ankle muscles and joints, which are the most powerful and longest nerve in the human body.

Sciatica react that way in the lower limbs. The pain appears in the lower part of the legs, called lumbosciatica. Usually suffers (is ill or pulls) one foot on the side of the nerve, but it happens and two-way reaction in which both legs hurt.

The pain is not limited to, the patient stalking and other unpleasant feelings:

  • Kolyat feet, lose sensitivity, pulling or numb

If the nerve is affected at the level of the sacrum, through the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, pain syndrome of the sacrum and to the foot is called sciatica.

Very often people feel pain in the back and foot of two different categories and not see the root. "I have a pain in my right knee, numb foot. I can't come on foot and climb the stairs" — they describe in detail the condition of their limbs, forgetting about the pain in the back, which all preceded it. Surprised, also, "inability" to physicians who, instead of treating knee osteoarthritis, all of a sudden begin to engage the spine.

But, it is the spine, with its complex nervous, muscular-ligament and the cardiovascular system is the leading reason for sciatica.

Why get sick, pull out and numb feet

  1. Normal draft can be a cause of lumbago in the lower back, radiates to foot. To the same consequences that can arise from sitting on cold surface swimming in cold water, and similar causes. All of them can be grouped under the term "hypothermia"
  2. Osteochondrosis — dystrophic degenerative process in the lumbosacral region, also, may need to be kept sharp pain, radiates to extremities. The deformation of the disc touching the nerve fibers and causing inflammation
  3. The formation of the protrusion and herniated discs can cause pain syndrome is a very high intensity, if it is the compressed nerve. The pain impulse is distributed on the area of innervation with the speed of the current. I wonder what the feeling on the other side, also, resemble the symptoms of weak stream: Tingling, burning, crawling skin crawling, feeling of cold. These symptoms are called paresthesia. If your feet no longer hurt, and just numb, it can mean that due to the long-term compression of the nerve fibers, they began atrophic processes
  4. Other diseases (spondylitis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis) leads to limitation and stagnation in the bone tissues, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, which stimulates inflammatory processes
  5. Spinal tumors and tuberculosis, also can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve and the feeling that pulls and numb in the extremities
  6. Stress is not benign phenomenon and never passes unnoticed, especially when nerves are involved

Classification of the pain syndrome of the arms and legs.


In its origin of all types of pain in the back radiates to the limbs, can be roughly defined in three main groups:

  1. The first group is associated with the neuroreflex the nature of the pain syndrome and pathological processes in the spine.

    Here you can put all of the DDP (degenerative processes), because they are injured all the metabolic processes in the tissues and their diet, and infectious, inflammatory diseases and congenital dysplasia of the spine. The threat of the nerve fibers here is twofold:

    • They are exposed to direct mechanical effects of parts of the spine
    • Degenerative changes begin to occur in the nerve fibers
  2. The second group is associated with muscle dysfunction in the arms and legs. Causing it to turn different. This:
    • Scoliosis of the spine, where it forms a persistent asymmetry of muscle groups, located on both sides of the bow
    • The increased load on certain muscles as a result of awkward postures or physical stress
    • Muscle myositis caused by hypothermia, infectious processes, or congenital anomalies
    • Foot pain, often occurs in the very banal reason — walking in high heels Cause foot pain can be uncomfortable shoes with high heels
  3. Autonomic dysfunction — the third kind of the origin of sciatica

    Vegetative-visceral disorders — this is a symptom, which includes all of the disorders in the internal organs and systems in the body that are associated with the impairment of the value of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)

    The autonomic system is closely connected with the Central principle of direct and feedback:

    • Defects in the central nervous system, local damage to the spinal nerves and fibers, leading to irregularities in the VNS
    • Autonomic disorders include the response of the nerve Central nervous system, in the area of innervation of who they are

    Especially often problems with the feet can occur when vegetative-vascular disorders in the area of the lumbosacral spine. Poor blood supply can lead to pain in the back and limbs, muscular dystrophy of the legs.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude:

To find out why sick, withdrawn, and numb feet, because of the pain originates in the back, only after a thorough diagnosis:

  • Anamnesis
  • X-rays, CT), and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine
  • Angiography of the
  • Laboratory studies, etc.

Treatment of pain in the arms and legs.

The treatment should be completely appropriate for the causes of the disease.

the building of the nerve
  1. If the pain is generated from the MDC, it is:
    • Painkillers and anti-inflammatories (Nsaids)
    • Traction techniques (stretching of the spine with exhaust devices)
    • Chiropractic and acupuncture
    • The application of low frequency currents, magnetic therapy and other physiotherapy methods hardware
    • Exercises physical therapy
  2. With muscular dysfunction caused by scoliosis, additionally apply:
    • Special corrective exercises
    • The wearing of corsets
  3. Treatment of myositis successfully performed:
    • Irritating ointments (if myositis is not caused by infection)
    • Massage, physical therapy
    • In some cases, you may need antibiotic therapy
  4. With dystonia prescribed complex treatment:
    • Vasodilators
    • Angioprotectors
    • Vitamins and stimulators of metabolic processes
    • Sedatives sedatives

Treatment reflect pain is always a long process, as they usually occur in chronic long-standing diseases that affect the human nervous system

Therefore, if a backache, try to immediately determine the cause of the pain and to start the treatment without waiting for the moment when you start to hurt, go numb or pull your feet.

If the pain radiates to the leg, first think about lumbago (sciatica or sciatica. Especially if your fingers go numb and my leg aches. Most often the case. And few people remember that such symptoms can be and at other diseases, such as acute inflammation of the appendix.



  1. The most common cause is pathology of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, radiculitis, sciatica, disc herniation, spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, and other degenerative diseases of the nature, as well as post-traumatic complications, tumours and infection);
  2. The pathology of the organs of the lower abdomen (kidney stones, cystitis, oophoritis, adhesions, inguinal hernia, appendicitis, etc.).

Important: For rare diseases, which leads to the occurrence of the syndrome are described, it should not be forgotten.

Pathology of the bones and muscle structures

Pain in the lower back, associated with diseases of the spine and enlargement of the lower limb, called lumbosciatica.

The degenerative process in the lumbar spine the pain often develops due to compression of a nerve root and radiates to the lower limb of the main nerve of the lumbosacral plexus, the sciatic, which is divided into fibular and tibial. The second gives the popliteal fossa growth of the nerves of the lower leg.

Compression of nerve roots occurs when the destruction of intervertebral cartilage on the background of degenerative reactions. This reduces the distance between the adjacent vertebrae and, consequently, are less openings for the spinal nerve roots. When a herniated, they are annoyed directly by the protrusion of the hernia, in tumors, abnormal tissue growths, while spondylosis is bony overgrowths, called osteophytes.

On the background of the pathological process is always evolving inflammatory reaction in the form of edema and dysfunction of the surrounding tissues, worsening the circulation of blood on the affected area, are inhibited normal metabolism. Resulting increased muscle tone in the area of innervation of the roots of the disabled, which leads to strengthening of the pain.

The development of changes in the spine, usually marked with the end of the process of ossification around 25 years and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon. This early aging bone and cartilage structures can be suspended, if you follow the principles of proper nutrition and strengthen the back muscles with special exercises.

The different nature of the pain syndrome

Diseases of the spine occur in the following types of sciatica:

  • Musculo-tonic — manifested a strong pungent spasm, while the development of the compensatory curvature of the spine, movement in the lower part of the coat of arms limited;
  • Autonomic-vascular — pain burning in nature accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the legs, you can get a sense of coldness or heat in the leg, especially when you try to change the position of the body. So responsive vascular system in the pathological process;
  • Neurodystrophic develops the burning of the cramps, mainly at night, sometimes the skin above the pathological foci thinner.

Important: the most common pain syndrome is mixed. One form of sciatica, in its pure form is rare.

Clinical manifestations of some diseases of the spine

  1. When osteoarthritis pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain occurs after sudden movements or lifting heavy weights. Often, it is numb both feet are aching in the area of the hip joints, and movement in the lower part of the arms is strictly prohibited.

Chronic pain is almost a constant companion of life for who almost used, as the lucid interval is very small. Thus pulls in the lumbar region and along the branches of the sciatic nerve.

  1. When a herniated, localized in the lumbar spine, the pain may not be at all, but the disturbed function of the organs in the pelvis: often pulls a "pee in toilet", can develop incontinence, it is noticed in the legs, tingling and "pins and needles".

With the development of a pain syndrome may develop paralysis of the lower limbs are caused by a complete compression of the motor rootlets. But, more to such severe consequences of the pathological process does not get it.

  1. With sciatica lumbago in the lower part of the back pain radiates to the leg, thus there is lameness, pain in the muscles and pulls. You can reduce the sensitivity of the posterolateral surface of the leg and on the back of the foot. Relief comes in the supine position, the arms should be relaxed. Sometimes the pain syndrome is attenuated in the "fetal position".

Pathology of the internal organs

Often in the lower part of the pain radiates towards the leg, are a manifestation of diseases of internal organs. Limb while this numbs, if you pull, and the pain can also be given in the groin.

  1. Kidney stones can manifest described the syndrome when the stone goes through the ureter;
  2. And adhesive disease, the nerve can put pressure spikes;
  3. Salpingoophoritis, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, also, manifest as discomfort in the lumbosacral segment and the leg of the other side;
  4. Acute appendicitis with atypical location of the Appendix (retroperitoneal on the posterior surface of the cecum) is a pulling pain in right lumbar region, which shoots down my right leg. If in the supine position to try to lift the straight right leg, she involuntarily bent and unfold outward.

These phenomena are explained by the peculiarities of the innervation of the organs in the pelvis and legs.