author Petra



  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: development of the disease, causes and symptoms, diagnostic measures, treatment, complications, prevention.
    13 September 2020
  • The pain below the waist back to the left or to the right in the lower part of his back are some of the most common symptoms, known in medical practice. Why it happens in the lower back and radiates with buttock and on both sides? This question will be answered by the article.
    18 September 2018
  • Pain in the back, of course, there are men and women. In women, the reasons for the pain, maybe even more, and they are sometimes not allowed to live a normal and full life.
    21 August 2018
  • Severe pain in back and stomach can cause severe anxiety as unknown true cause of the discomfort.
    14 August 2018
  • What to do if back hurts. The causes of back pain are: inflammatory, myofascial, and other. Rare diseases and physiological pain.
    14 August 2018