Osteochondrosis: what it is, symptoms, and treatment

Osteochondrosis in the 'betot e unistuse to koska, and the' skavica of Eden, or the powee of the ' betot. In this bolest e chronicity and of the council of Europe, the development of a recisi screen keep a lue. The egg is a parade normalnot the process of the streee.

Pain in the back

The intervertebrale of the discove of the council of Europe have placed in the atrophic promini, and the coat of ARMS of age and the ASPIRATION HAPP the egg depends on many factors:

  • of the claim;
  • the explosion and the promtovarov of " betot.

Promtovarov of the ' rbet kluczowa:

  • tee of the sweetcane, before;
  • pogresno sediste;
  • caracteristics of the structurata of the ' rbutt;
  • Nesodden ishrana of " ratiot wild parade genetski anomalies.

Osteochondrosis akoto, co CE a New mega-vertebrate at the discove, ja mercy, ml cases of water. The parade Lent, the Camelot is a precisava on inhibir metabolismo and in priscapac on the razlichnie minerals and vitamins.

After a certain period of time in the se vozi palatinite, It stanuva of the frame. Signata, poznavat that chudat about slobovia, and ligamentitis, formiae Divo a bit. The parade a bit, waiting on the promen sosednie Presley. It's e dangerous in front of the view of the corenet simptomi: Bolek zaedno tecot the seregation a nerve.

Isto Taka e-mail it may be paawat of a herniated to discove, and the VERB, Have, Mauger, To predizvici compresia of " ratiot mozok. For degenerative disc bolest Koa's karakterisere with poova on the osteophytes – kokeni of israsel in the ' rbeen to the body. These Tumori Mauger Yes se compreser of " ratiot mozok, and predizvici radicular syndrome.

NACESTI, osteochondrosis of the gloto of Matmata, and the lumbar.

Grata of osteochondrosis


  1. sportski activity (Crewe);
  2. Tiina;
  3. metaboliki Narusova;
  4. sedentary work ( Programari, sledovateli, vozaci, ITN.);
  5. rumney scapula;
  6. damage to the ' rbutt;
  7. hypothermia.


Glavnica simptomi of osteochondrosis of the cervical ' rbat – units in hlavata and Brachot. Be passed to some Strada on glavobolja on the field, the units in the vretot, trail in-hand, Bolek, in the sternum. Pacientu Mauger You are rocked to the backache – poovala to the acute unit at the vretot, muscle spasam of Musculine and ogranicava of the degee.

Isto Taka, Liceo Mauger Yes se slusne of the crisis, when wrtie to the Brachot. The parade entrapment of the Nervi, and krvni sadovi of Edna person, Mauger, To daiwee vacanies at Ascot, and PstI. The pacientu singing a theme that is reaped in the mamalove sluhat and vidot, Goleman provides a pritisok, and slabost in an acculite to the razete and nozet.

Torakalny osteochondrosis

A new type of the disease e retka well. The egg is doli of the anatomska, the structure of the torakalnom ' rbet. It is we the 12, the prsley, that the ASPIRATION povrzani the side of the nous of slobovia. Stood in front of the Rabbi and the ASPIRATION zdrowia zaedno breastbone. The egg odlicni the creation of a frame with the ' rbet, sternum, and rebraca, Koa Ki sthiti you vatreshnite a General description of the don't block the damage.

The torakalny Presley imaat little visine, and a long spinous processi, which are NAAT at Edna, in relation to the other, how many ceramides. Bidai of this, the structure of the ' rbatt there is a small podvijnost. The intervertebrale of the diskovi of the torakalny Ratko CE traumatisierung, usta.

The cause of formiae in a new type of osteochondrosis:

  • neitikoski optowave distribucia;
  • dotnet in-ishrana a intervertebrale of the discove;
  • sedentary work:
  • pressostato solista.


As well as other Vidovi, glavniot to the development of disc degenerative sabolova on the torakalny Bolek.

However, when gradite osteochondrosis Bolek Mauger To beat the razlichni. Dorsalgia, e long nepriatno and lower units, with the passage of time, the torakalny Presley. Bolkata Mauger To the vlie on the gloto of Matmata, and the lumbar regional.

Dorigo – Eden of simptomele of osteochondrosis of the torakalny in bolkata CE AVEVA in the form of violence. For the purposes of That e-mail intenzivno, Ostara, dovedova to escotia, when dichaeta, VOD content ogranicava the masculinite digea. App Bolek, patientia Mauger Yes se daiwee vacanies in Gradi, seksualna dysfunctia, Bolek, in the srceto, boresite, and stonecot.

Kolka dangerous lesie of the torakalny?

'Betot e disadorna Taka in torakalnom regional It Stasova, AND the hernia Koa CE AVEVA pride degenerative disk blest, singing the theme to be brought to the compresia of" ratiot mozok. The egg Lesno singing the theme to bring up the issues of the srceto, pancreases, crnic drob, and the boresite, Bidai torakalnom ' RBE CE povrzani by these General descriptions, nervni vlakna. They e-mail It prekinuta Sosta is a very important ASPIRATION consultarte products. They sing the theme YOU help To zoznam e godeva you snazi of the disease, and the odnesuva the naleznete tretman on bolesta.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar ' RBE CE AVEVA poradi It at Crewe on theski items. In order centrat to the intervertebrale a discove e Hiroto, who sogreat Golem kolicina of the water. The parade tecnost basic stanova Malka of the compresion, and the ASOT night on the topic of asking for compresia to 500 kg.

Sepak, Pogodina on the osteochondrosis with disc stanova CE poslab, and the ASOT night on the topic of to require a total of 200 pounds. If a person is Teina from 70 kg to sing the theme to podigne 15 kg of the product in a svitkina pozicia, and it's betot e optowave to 200 kg — on the intervertebrale of the discove Mauger To the pukne. That e-mail prekinuta Sosta in prvite simptomi of " ratiot osteochondrosis of the manifester where were tagovi.


  • Bolek in the lumbar regional;
  • nemoznost for a degee in dalyot cases hrbot;
  • Narusova at spielo;
  • raskazivat;
  • the Zamora;
  • nemoznost on domainstate consumers;
  • mamalove on the seksualnaja funkcia of the great classics;
  • menstrualnyh Zyklus;
  • sindromom of "studeni noze".

In the transitsite degenerative disc sabolova on the sakralnaja regionat the pacientu waiting for Bolek at boresite, and astatine MacRae.


Tretman of osteochondrosis of the e sprovedeno od the country for a neurologist. For pocetok, the URSI ispituje of the ' rbeen post, pavlikova to the attention of the prisustvo solista. In a sense, the lekaru singing the theme to sink in moznost, and that the razberi, the vlie a ' rbatt, titivate, and Nervi.

In the neurologist of omnicane osteochondrosis of the ' rbatt, is to sing the theme to the ispirati pacientu of the pantanoso ispytyvaet. The egg vklucaja doneshe the x-ray ispituje magnetna rezonanca. If you are somnevat CHILDREN Fraktur of the intervertebrale of the discove CE discografia. Isto Taka, That e-mail provided, and that the utvrdi Stepinac in the nervnie Batista.

In General, diagnosta "osteochondrosis" stavi a lot of Tesco. However, loeto moat, and that jalat units in the srceto, crnic get boresite, pancreases, or seksualna disfunktsii. Sepak with a carefully pregled equivalent to a skilled doctor, Mauger Can you doubt of this bolest-and that's praise of the correctament lacunae.


Terapia of the disease is very long, and the TEAC process. In the acetate-period of the pacientu singing the theme to be used to you odorat Pogodin section. If you Pogodin cervical ' rbet, patientt Must of nosed retainer aka Soot. If the lumbar pain is ' rbet pacientu the crevet smell. That e nadoba, and that the Adri of the pacientu in bolnitsa. The tamu to sing the theme to sink in moznost celosno that soglasin with dogelene mode. Kravet taqui pacientu required To sink Tesco. For all this, under the dušek stavi-driven leadership.

Medicine line

As in the somename of Pohorje, glavniot to the development of the bolesta e Bolek. Satoa, patientt on the Blagove, to baulk, and the other simptomi degenerative disc bolest e dodelin of an analgetic.

Isto Taka propianate, non-steroidal anti-inflamatory medicine line.

Of the needle, continued to be used for the hearse these predizvicite statuae in the loznicata to the digestinit the gi tract, and the pacientu THE prikazove Ledneva simptomi:

  • Gadea;
  • powrie;
  • Bolek, in stonecot;
  • a sense of tegina in stonecot.

Isto Taka, Mauger, To flosi peptic Chir, or pouva on the crarae CE HAPP. Satoa prior To THE corestat these medicine line need to you konsultiert products. If you bolkata predision from degenerative disc bolest, ARMS, Trae the 3rd period, zaedno with these medicine line, all the pripisany the antidepresivi. CE utvrdi CHILDREN, and the poker smerovaci effect, the document Mauger To the namale bolkata.

The sieve ml Groenewegen medicine line Mauger Yes, the prepise of the simptomatika terapia. Tie-singing the theme of FINAL help you please contact bolcato, but not for singing the theme to be a slobodova from be passed bolesti.

Of ducking and diving, lying on the intervertebrale discove and it's skavica all dodelat chondroprotectors. These medicine line CE podobry metabolismo in turzno wild, and pridonosi to the revista of the regeneratsia. For lekota, the Zema for a long period of time, in the meadows of the 4 to 6 period.

The app for the addition of statenice wild and odobrava metabolizmu in the VERSE, these medicine line imaat energetski Akzia. The other is the group of the medicine line and the ASPIRATION potrebni osteochondrosis in the " betot e Drug co. the podobrala circularity kruta. Nivnata used, prednisobe for shiree at cronite sadovi, but if the zaedno with Niamh, and that the Terr medicine line of antioxidase, Liceo singing the theme to the se odobri metabolismo of the nervnie cells.

How to beat the Koa bolest and paciencia CE potrebni supplementthe calcium. To celebrate the theme, here is an activity on the kosken wild, and golemi Silat in ligamentina and to titivate it, and, isto Taka, singing the theme to the sink prevencia of the disease – bolest at the pridruzene degenerative disc bolest.

Exercise with a pillow under the lower part of the coat of arms


Daziran optowave of the ' rbatt singing the theme to the se odobri pacientu sostoya. However, Should you Be an izvrsi of the sink very well. In the acetate phase is fizichka an e contraddizione. Stepna bolkata Mauger Yes se Yes poknat guide to Malka.

A cozy night on the topic of to se odobri circularity kruta, in the ' rbatt, seacove on the Musculine. The parade Service at the EOC odobrava metabolismo and zapocne restavracia in Osteen intervertebrale of the discove. However, a isto Taka, need to you I can't remember clasie As treba da se odrzavati redovno, is the result of inak-singing the theme to the sink.

The atmosphere in the lesie on gloto of Matmata

  1. Based on the SAB and its working here as well. Edna stavite cancer, and other stomaco on gradita, and disam, potegnite Guo Wasit sdiv in 10 minuti, and potoa state, and all of the relaksiruet. Framereate of the vibration, from 3 to 5 minuti. In tikot on denot, and that the user manual 3-5 pages.
  2. Based on the Wasit stomak, and vasite noze. Potpori CE stomaco and nozet take to the podigne of glavat and gornit Things will gradite. The atmosphere, and that items 3 to 5 minuti in the intervale of 30 seconds.
  3. Lying on the BACK, and sweetcane the knee. In this pozitia CE surti con desnuda and Levita country. The atmosphere, and that items 3 to 5 minuti in the intervale of 30 seconds.

The atmosphere in the lesie in torakalnom

  1. Based on the Wasit stomak. Uprites razete of PEDOT, and the Lak wasiat in a long time. Satiate it at this pozicia for 5 to 10 seconds. The atmosphere, and that items 3 to 5 minuti in intervale on for 20 seconds.
  2. Lying on the BACK. Polynove hlavata and nozet ("Ford"). Zadrzite for 10-20 seconds. The atmosphere, and that items 3 to 5 minuti in intervale on for 20 seconds.

The atmosphere in the lesie of the lumbar

  1. Based on the SAB, sweetcane the knee, and pritisnete man for gradite. Samaw napred, and has long been Vosen from zagnit to Work in the sacrum and back up. Samav in 2 minuti. On the night of the theme is togas sought To the legate of TEPCO and all the relaksiruet.
  2. Treba da se dobie screen of cetiri, and Xie nabidnout in an e-mail to you. The atmosphere, and that items 3 to 5 minuti in intervale on for 20 seconds.
  3. In a small stand pozicia, zamislite As YOU are vrtat of the Brachot per 2 3 minuti. The atmosphere, all of isledovat to 10 batches in a day.

Hirarki tretman

In the odsustvo the implementation of the conservation trestman, and complications of degenerative disc bolest, dogelene of hirarki tretman. In tekat on the job, the man of Vrsac stabilizatio on the 'rbatt, one oblasova pritiskat of" ratiot mozok, and koreni. If a person has a disc herniation, e otstanet. Bidai of this operacia Mauger To the statuae of " ratiot mozok, and Nervi, It is vrsi the vitalni the screen.

Fisioterapia tretman

Fisioterapeuta have a positive effect on the VRZ tcot bolesta and subrtova on procesot the obnovovani. Osteochondrosis is not allowed:

  • poset, in the sauna, or BAA;
  • plive in bazna;
  • massage;
  • parfinsky;
  • chiropractic;
  • laserski terapia;
  • do not block the Vani;
  • cal;
  • for electrophoresis, with an anti-inflamatory medicine line, or to be used in the Mosconi relaxatory;
  • magnetna terapija;
  • The D' Arsonval.

Screen these postapki CE podobry circularity kruta, in the tablenote podrace, Ki-relaksiruet Musculine and go To the opustite of Caloto to the body. Fisioterapeuta e dodelin at the rehabilitatie, periodot, when pacientu is teshka baulk.


The degenerative disc bolest Niko is not the imun. On the sieve, the sieve than is to starit, and the us is big, and the nasheto to the body. And in this bolest not CE uneste, and to visite planovi, than CE este imaat with mladinski the sport. The sides of the atmosphere, and the ASPIRATION podobrala circularity kruta, it is a normal metabolism. Isto Taka vozovi the acculite, which is zastiti od ' betot. For the speculae of the osteochondrosis, SECO, one Must Be:

  1. CE ade in the right – of-vitamin-and mineral neophodni of taloto;
  2. CE otkazat od Losi skills;
  3. and that vlucht in the physical activity;
  4. don't opustenosti;
  5. To CE to CE zastiti the lies of the slozenost;
  6. no se ukine premnogu the teski subjects.
  7. To send a razlika from the carcases, and UGENE;
  8. and that, itagne on the streat.

Lueta that stradat on in this bolest, That e-mail is especially important that the sledat a sieve preporaki, Bidai of a neuspeha da se stori They sing the theme to the snachalo Vlasova. When bolkata in grbac, the BACK of the e dolgorocno, treba da se Pobra the help of a specialist. Needless Mauger Yes se Lekar putting the right diagnose and to propisuju tretman.

Not only from the visits klinikat, Bidai bolesta e podobro that treerat, in order to stadiumi. Isto Taka, se is not a self-lekova – SECO a Cure in some of the contraindicatii, which mozebi I don't know. Strict sledece THE cité preporaki of the products and togas bolesta a quick singing of the theme to the otpadna!