Back pain - causes, symptoms, treatment

Sharp and shooting, dull and prolonged, the sudden and short-term lower back pain is always uncomfortable. I agree, you do not want to experience again and again. Has experienced once, is not only to pay attention to, and immediately proceed to the medical facility, etc. But the subsiding of pain, we often forget about the recent discomfort. After all, is not sick, why waste time and money on diagnostics. A lot of people think so. However, after some time the pain reminds himself

pain in the back

Why pain in the back? Looking for a reason

When there are unpleasant sensations in the lower part of the field, the person experiences terrible discomfort. It hurts to walk, sit, lie down and especially to get out of bed, change of body position. The pain is intermittent in nature. Sometimes it is sharp and shooting, sometimes the pain last a long time. Normal physical activity can be forgotten, if the lower back hurts. What to do, what to take to rid yourself of suffering? The first thing you need to do is to find the cause which can be very much. Stand on the scale and find out your weight. You have gained weight? It is quite possible that because of this, there is pain. If the person is full, its weight is unstable (sharply loses or gains some weight), then the answer is easy, why lower back hurts. What to do in this case? Of course, urgent to lose weight. You press on the spine's own weight. The burden is huge. Also, the reason you may be uncomfortable of the body. For example, you have been sitting or standing in one position. To help yourself in this case only. Do some exercise to release the back part, follow these inclinations and circular movements. It should be noted that there is often a pain, if you have lost your lower back. What to do in this case? Go in a pharmacy. Today you can buy a lot of warming creams and ointments which not only will relieve pain but will relieve inflammation.

Backache? It is a signal, not a disease

I should say that lower back pain is not a disease. This kind of signal in our body, signaling the beginning of the disease. If there is pain in the back, what to do, tell the doctor after a thorough examination and diagnosis. The fact that the discomfort can be associated with poor posture and curvature of the spine. It is possible that in the wake of the people lifting weights were physically active. If the work is somehow connected with the lifting, then obviously, the doctor will find the hernia or the development of low back pain. After trauma, injury or shock lower back. What to do? The main thing is not to self-medicate.

Feel low back pain? Pay attention to this. Of course, it is best to go to the medical institution and to consult with a specialist. If you for some reason decided to postpone the trip to the doctor, and then you have to help yourself at home. Just remember that self-medication is not always appropriate. So, you have lower back pain. What to do? First, wear a bandage or belt, to lock the position. This will help in the case of stretching of the muscle tissue in the region of the spine. It is necessary to restrict his movements. It is better to lie on your back on a hard surface and rest. Doctors are advised to have recourse to this position for a few days, until the pain disappears. Second, warm your lower back. Back spread a thin layer of hot tools, wrap it around the belt warm scarf and lie down under the blanket. Medicines promise to can get on your feet already after 12-24 hours. Massage helps, but does it just need to be a specialist. The bones of the lumbar are very sensitive and require adept handling.

It should again be recalled that just is not an employee. If you manage with the help of some folk remedies to numb the pain, you know it's not for long. She will be back. Only a doctor can figure out the real cause of your trouble and will advise you on how to get rid of this pain.

Back pain during prolonged sitting?

Back pain is more and more performed by youth

In medical practice there are cases when patients complain that they have pain in the back when sitting. Before with these symptoms the doctors were asked for more than forty years.

But, today, such complaints are not uncommon for young patients. Most often this is due to the sedentary way of life. Because now computers replaced fresh air, and even socializing with friends.

why pain in the back

But, outside of that, there are other reasons for pain in the back when sitting. So let's please examine this question.

The reasons for the emergence of pain

"When you sit, it really hurts the back." Such phrases can often hear from people who have a sedentary job.

Many of them come up with different excuses, such as lost back, or sprained muscles in the lumbar region.

But the real reason is quite different. So let's look at the main irritants that lead to severe back pain when sitting:

When prolonged sitting is the most affected the lower part of the back

  • Diseases of the spine, such as degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, osteoporosis, scoliosis, protrusion, or osteoarthritis, is more likely to be the cause of pain in the back when sitting. This happens when a person has one of these diseases for a long time sitting at a Desk or computer.
  • The disruption of the muscle tissue. Often when a muscle spasm that affects the lower back, severe pain in the lower part of the back. Patients say: "the pain is severe when you are sitting." It was under the seat more muscle tissue strains and causing the appearance of pain syndrome.
  • Infectious diseases that affect the spine in the lumbar region, can also become the reason for pain in the back.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs quite often accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, giving at the same time in the lower part of the back.

Often, due to improper posture or excess weight after prolonged sitting suffer from back because the lower back takes most of the load, and this causes discomfort.

Diagnosis and treatment of back pain

To determine the reasons for pain in the back need a diagnostician

When there is pain in back when sitting, in any case can not self-medicate, that is, RUB or warm the damaged area. Because these methods can only exacerbate the situation and lead to serious complications. It is best to seek the help from professionals, who will be able to establish a diagnosis and to determine proper therapy.

To diagnose disorders in which pain in the back with the use of x-rays, ultrasound, computed or magnetic resonance tomography of the spine.

After the determination of all causes of pain doctors determine treatment methods. Thanks to modern technology and the latest equipment for the elimination of many diseases of the spine can be much faster.

the reason for the pain in the

But, in addition, to get the desired result, with the use of a special osteopathy. During the procedure, a specialist with the help of special movements back of the spine and eliminate back pain.

Also, an integral part of eliminating back pain is the cure. This can be prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and medications that improve blood circulation in the spine. After the elimination of severe pain in the lumbar region used physical therapy techniques which include massage, magnetotherapy, laser and mud treatment, and extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

How to prevent the pain ?

Today, when most of the work many of us perform on a computer to prevent the appearance of pain when sitting is much more complicated. But, there are still basic rules, following which you can avoid a lot of diseases.

How to sit properly at the computer

  • Correctly chosen the working place (off soft furniture, set the correct height of the chair).
  • Try even while you are at work to follow your posture.
  • Not long in the same position.
  • Every hour do the workout.
  • Your doctor can take special drugs that support the cartilage in the spine.
  • Do daily morning exercises.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Eat right and fill your body with vitamins.
  • Also effective method of prevention of diseases of the spine is swimming.

Of course, if you have a sedentary job, to avoid various problems with the spine very difficult. But, in any case, these rules will help to reduce the risk of their occurrence.

So, if you prevent the disease do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Indeed, many believe that to get rid of the lower part of the arms is possible using traditional recipes. Of herbal reduces pain, maybe time will pass away, but the main reason for the pain persists.

8 recommendations on how to eliminate back pain

Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when a sharp turn or tilt driving back, there is a strong pain and strengthen the spine gives a terrific meal. Unfortunately, this kind of "fee" for his ability to go without problems and on two legs. But, really the discomfort in the back will haunt us constantly, causing a lot of inconvenience and overshadowing our existence?

Let's try to figure it out. Because our body does not stop the force of gravity, the vertebral column is always in tension, he kind of gets squeezed, especially if we spend most of our lives in a static position. In addition, the spine gets a big load while traveling in public transport, as it constantly shakes.


Numbness in feet and hands, fatigue and weakness are the first symptoms of spinal problems that can't be ignored. How to help yourself if you suddenly feel the sharp pain? For starters, you need to find out the exact reason for the pain, the MRI, and then to start with the treatment. However, to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the spine, after all, it is possible.

Enough to perform some simple guidelines:

1. Movement – life

Try to monitor your weight and maintain your body in good physical shape. To do this exercise is the norm, move more, spend less time in a static, seated position, perform during the day light exercise. The more you practice, the stronger your muscles, the more your body.

2. Say "no" to Smoking

Contained in cigarettes, nicotine disrupts the normal water balance in the body, intervertebral discs are fragile, so they become susceptible to various ailments and diseases.

3. Try to sit and walk with straight back

In the course of the day many of us have to be in a sitting position. Therefore, it is important to do it properly, not loading again of the arms and spine. If you are working in front of computer, place it so the screen was clearly before your eyes, with a slightly slanted top. The slope of the chair should be such that the lower limbs were freely placed under the table at an angle of ninety degrees to the floor.

4. Use a laptop and phone at a minimum

It is believed that a laptop is not a very successful invention from the point of view of ergonomics and convenience. Mobile phones are not much better in this respect, because while using the phone we involuntarily throws his head to one side, which leads to disorders in the neck. Therefore, we recommend to use a headset.

5. Take short breaks if the work involves long sitting in one position

Better if it will be short breaks of one large, since spin does not have time to take it easy, and the burden of the spine is distributed evenly. Walk a few minutes down the street or a room, so you will remove unnecessary tension from the ridge.

6. To pay attention to how you sleep

Proper sleep is a dream, lying on their side, the rigidity of the mattress should be of high level. T.n. "fetal position" relieves tension from the spinal column, which have accumulated in the course of your working day. If you put it between the legs of the pillow, to remove the tension from the knee.

From a medical point of view, the "wrong" position for sleep is lying on his stomach, because it increases the load on the spine a few times.

Pay attention to the minimum discomfort in the back, try to take over the body lying down and relax your back. Take pain medications. If you feel numbness in your limbs, then be sure to seek advice from a specialist.

7. Try to speed up the rehabilitation process

If the pain in the back will not allow you to move, try to "run" back into t.n. safe mode, that is, while swimming in the pool or walking. So you are off the spine, without risking to worsen the overall condition.

8. Reducing the load and certain movements


Do not strain the back, do not bend, keep your back straight. If you go for a workout in the gym, you do not need to do the vertical bench press and squats with the weights and the bench press the shoulders and arms workout. It is advisable not to run.