Pain in left side of back under ribs, in the lumbar region and the kidneys, below the waist

In them you will be able to determine their source. The main reasons are problems with the spleen, intestines and urinary system.

Possible causes of sharp pain in left side of back

pain on the left side of the back

Pain in left side – a sign of heart disease. Usually determined by the localization of the pain spasms, if it is left in the back.

A symptom as the pain appears when an abnormality, such as:

  • angina;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction.

The last point makes itself felt in the form of sharp and sharp pain in the chest, with spasm radiates to the shoulder blade and the left side of the fuselage. There are such things as cold sweat, shortness of breath, nausea and lightheadedness. If you have two or more of these signals, immediately call in ambulance.

Severe pain in the lumbar region and the kidneys

Pain in the lumbar region occurs in inflammation of the left kidney. Treated this condition, such as pyelonephritis. It is manifested in the presence of infections. The pain is aching and dull, but can sometimes be strong and sometimes sharp. The last type of pain refers to the pathology in the ureter. As a rule, without treatment, will develop chronic pyelonephritis. The disease has multiple symptoms that significantly interfere with a person to live a full life.

The first developed a condition similar to dehydration, fever, soothes without the full treatment. All this is accompanied with nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.
Lower back pain is constant, radiates to the groin, gaining the cold weather. A patient with acute pyelonephritis often visits to the toilet, because of the kidneys and bladder are in close proximity. The infection is spread through all the region in the area of the kidneys.

If there is painful urination, it is impossible to exclude the fact of inflammation of the bladder. This type of pathology is called urolithiasis. It is the appearance of the stones in the tubes and pelvis of the urinary channels. Basically the symptoms are unpredictable, but when the stress and shaking of the body, there is a sharp pain and vomiting. Often there is blood in the urine. Spasms are on the left side of the both sides of the body.

Above the waist

Pain above the waist occurs not only in elderly, but also young people. This is a common problem. As a rule, if the body according to the signal strength of a disease, then you need to go to the doctor. But, think about it a few, especially at a young age. People do not think about the reasons for this pain, and only to analgesics. In the future, the cramps returned.

Sources of pain pain above the lumbar region may be different, as for example:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ulcers, inflammation of the appendix;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and lungs;
  • problems with the digestive system.

Pain spasms in the back and radiating under the shovel that occur during the wearing of the fetus. While cramping is quite different and hard, they are hard to get used to.

Most often the pain of such a format in the back part of the back occurs when degenerative disk disease and after injuries of the spine. After suffering tuberculosis pain can also occur above the waist.

When inhaling, under the ribs

Diseases associated with the esophagus, ruptured spleen, hernia, cardiovascular problems, pneumonia, and the pathology of muscle tissue causing the pulling pain under the ribs. There are three types of spasms that occur in the hypochondrium:

  • sharp and severe pain. Occurs spontaneously. In this case the state of emergency, delays are dangerous to life. Usually manifested as a rupture of the spleen or renal pelvis. This pain is scary and quite dangerous for human life, in some cases, he speaks of the cessation of the body;
  • dull pain that lasts a long time. It tells about the disease, which is chronic. Most likely, there is an exacerbation because of acquired infection. Perhaps, in the diagnosis it will be for pancreatitis or gastritis;
  • boring and throbbing pain says inflammatory processes. Is called colitis and may manifest if the patient has a strong cough. If you are accompanied with vomiting – there is a risk of development of peptic ulcer disease. If the pain is occurring frequently, this may indicate a pre-stroke condition.

Pain pain below the waist

pain in the waist

The pain below the waist can vary from dull to sharp and constant. The most common causes are heavy physical work, uncomfortable positions sitting or standing for a long time. There are a variety of sources, causing pain below the waist such as a herniated disc, stenosis, spinal arthritis, spondylolisthesis, vertebral fracture, osteomyelitis, and tumors of the spine.

When driving

When there is pain when you move left, it is necessary to immediately identify the source of the cramps. They can be set up. Properly and quickly determine the cause of the pain will help to prescribe the right treatment. The main causes are diseases of the kidney and of the urinary system, inflammation of spleen, painful process in the digestive system, problems with the spine and pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

The most painful cramps occur when movement in spinal trauma and pathology of the urinary system (kidney stones). Sometimes the pain can be in one place and to give in the groin.

Gives to leg

Sometimes you can see people who limp when walking and it is noticeable that it hurts to move. This condition is caused by the lower part of the back, pain that radiates to the leg. In the medical field this is called sciatica. The signal of such a plan, people do not think that it is serious and not go for the consultation of the doctor. Although this may indicate serious disorders in the body.

The reason is sciatica, which emerged after the degenerative disc disease. The pain may be different (dull, aching, tearing and shooting). If this disease has overtaken the house, and then to get rid of it will help the fetal position. In this position, certain parts of the body, relax and it becomes a lot easier. Sad it sounds, but sciatica tends to come in the form of relapse. Also from pain in the back helps the applicator Kuznetsova.

Drawing pain from below in pregnant women

Pregnant women do not always bear fruit without pain. They hurt the back area and sometimes there are cramps in the abdomen. It is uncomfortable, it is scary, but cause for concern should. In each case, to be safe, you will need to call the doctor or call an ambulance. Call the doctors you need if the pain persists more than one hour, grow and appear in photographs of the t.n".

Nagging pain can also signal a miscarriage, so you can delay the medical examination is not necessary. Small lower abdominal pain in pregnant women is safe. It could just be stretching of the uterus. It will increase the pressure on third-party bodies, hence the cramps.

Video for dull, aching and sharp pain in my side

If it happens in the side or in the back in the lower part of the back, you will need to identify the source of the pain as quickly as possible. After watching the video, you will be able to find out the cause of the cramps and the time to go to the doctor. In this video you can learn about helpful methods for getting rid of the pain in his side. Exercises, advice on diet and way of life– all this you will see in our video useful.