What to do if a sore lower back?

pain in the lower back

Low back pain can make a person completely incapacitated as to walk, to move, and even lie with this symptom can be very problematic.

The article discusses the possible reasons for pain in the lower spine. Describes the symptoms of the disease, methods for diagnosis and treatment.

The problem of the disease in the spine are the most relevant for the elderly. But, doctors can often hear complaints that the back pain in the lower part of the spine, from the people who are of younger age.

Pain is a signal for all the problems in the body. It is not a separate disease, most often, is a manifestation of some disease. Various lesions of the axial skeleton are the most common causes of pain in the lumbosacral region.

Reasons for pain in the spine, as well as the symptoms of diseases causing

Back pain in the lower part of the spine may be the cause of various diseases of the back. Affected can be any of the structures of the spine — the joints, vertebral discs, muscles, ligaments, tendons.

Causing factors of abnormalities are:

  • injury;
  • age-related changes;
  • sedentary way of life;
  • systemic diseases;
  • excessive load on the spine;
  • excessive weight;
  • some of the infection.

There are a number of diseases, in which low back pain expressed the most intense that it breaks the habitual way of life.

Table 1. Disorders of the spine and their symptoms:

Disease Symptoms
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine. It most often develops in the joints of the lumbosacral spine. The disease develops gradually. Symptoms depending on the stage. In the early stage of the disease is almost asymptomatic. In the morning it hurts in the lower part of the spine, a sense of a small limitation. These symptoms pass after exercise. With the development of the disease symptoms increases. At a later stage develop typical diseases of the spinal deformity is a posture of the applicant (photo).
Hernia of the lumbar spine — a bulging of the nucleus pulposus of the disc outside of the space between the two vertebrae. The main symptom is severe pain in the lower part of the spine. It appears due to the violation of the nerve roots. The pain may radiate to the buttock and leg. The reduction of the amplitude of the movement, it is difficult to squat, climb the stairs. There has been a violation of skin sensitivity in the affected area is a feeling of cold or hot.
Lumbosacral osteochondrosis — degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and intervertebral discs. Pathology is manifested by pain in the buttocks and lowering the tone of the calf muscles. It becomes the reason for the limitation of physical activity. Patients complain of fatigue, lack of energy. The pain of the spine at the bottom allows you to select a comfortable position for sleeping, so the body can not fully relax. Increases the sensitivity of the feet, will occur cramps. The skin of the extremities is dry, scaly.

In addition to the above diseases, pain in the lower spine can cause disease of the internal organs. Therefore, the appearance of the pain you have to go to the medical facility for diagnosis and after treatment.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methods

Before prescribe treatment, the doctor must find out the reason for the pain. Given the complexity of the diagnosis, using all possible research methods.

A preliminary diagnosis in the stage of research and examination of the patient. To confirm it, it is necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies.

  1. Analysis of blood, urine, puncture of the bone tissue. Data analysis can show the presence of inflammation, rheumatoid factor, various infections, increase in uric acid.
  2. The x-rays. X-ray shows the condition of the bones of the spine, presence of osteophytes, the amount of joint space. The radiographs can be seen in the presence of intervertebral hernia.
  3. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The procedures allow a detailed study of the spine and pelvic bones, layer upon layer to explore the surrounding soft tissues to determine the presence of a tumor of the masses.

Prompt diagnosis will prevent development of complications and to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

What should be the treatment

Treatment of pain in the lumbar-sacral region of the spine depends on the cause, in direction of its elimination. Therapy is chosen individually.

But, in any case it should be comprehensive:

  • therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine.

When you have spine down, you need to reduce the load on him. For this, the patient is prescribed bed rest, and wearing orthoses — corsets, bandages, lumbar orthoses and belts.

People who are overweight are encouraged adherence to the low calorie diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of fatty, fried dishes, smoked products, canned products, cakes and sweets.

Disease in the initial phase are amenable to conservative therapy. In advanced pathologies requiring surgical intervention. More is done with the use of minimally invasive surgery that is less painful, reduces the rehabilitation period.


Treatment with medications is important in the correction of the abnormalities of the axial skeleton, and leads to an improvement of the patient's condition when selecting medications. Therapy is directed towards eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease, to restore function of the spine.

The price of medicines can be quite high, but without them, it is impossible to achieve positive results.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy

Almost all health institutions for the treatment of muscle-skeletal system, offer patients to alleviate the condition using a variety of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is considered an effective method, because after its application decreases pain and inflammation, to improve blood circulation and nutrition of articular tissues, accelerating the recovery of the whole organism.

  1. Electrophoresis. The use of galvanic current to the muscles of the spine are injected drugs. The dosage of the drug is reduced, but this does not reduce its effectiveness.
  2. Laser therapy. The amplified beam light affects the nerve roots and eliminates the neurological symptoms. Stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  3. Magnetotherapy. This is the most effective method of treatment of an osteochondrosis of a loin. Low frequency electromagnetic field improves blood flow and restores mobility in the lumbar region.
  4. Ultrasound. The ultrasonic waves effectively to eliminate pain and inflammation. Have a strengthening effect on the affected area.

The treatment can be continued in the sanatoria, where patients enjoy therapeutic baths, showers, mud therapy.



Physical therapy of diseases of the lumbosacral spine is granted after a thorough examination of the patient to exclude comorbidities and complicated forms of the disease, which can cause deterioration of the condition of the patient.

The patient is given detailed instructions for the exercise:

  • training should be regular;
  • the pace of the exercises is slow, and constant control of the health of the people;
  • exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • it is impossible to independently change the intensity and order of exercises;
  • sessions are terminated when the increased pain in the lumbar region;
  • during the pauses it is useful to hang on the bar for a minute.

Approximate set of exercises can be found by watching the video in this article.

Folk remedies

The person feels great discomfort when he is in the lower part of the spine. So during any way to solve this pain. Along with the traditional treatment used traditional medicine.

There are many, centuries-tested means of helping to deal with the unpleasant manifestations of diseases of the spine:

  1. Compression of black radish. Grate the root crop, squeeze and mix with sour cream. On the back put this mixture, cover with foil wrap and tie a woolen cloth. Keep for half an hour, avoiding the severe burning.
  2. Honey rubbing. The lower part of the back, intensely rubbed with honey to normalize the circulation of the blood. The procedure is done before bedtime.
  3. A dry heat. Make a dense fabric pouch and fill it with buckwheat, salt, or cherry pits. Warmed in the oven or microwave and applied to the lower part of the back.
  4. Infusion cinquefoil. Dry root cinquefoil medium chop and pour half a liter of vodka. Infuse for one month. To accept on a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The effectiveness of the traditional recipes have long been recognized by the official medicine. But, before applying you should consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of back pain are prepared from natural ingredients

A condition when a person has pain in the back, lower spine discomfort is felt, requires the urgent intervention of the doctor. Timely medical care reduces the risk of complications.